Etheostoma podostemone

Etheostoma podostemone
Riverweed Darter – Etheostoma podostemone

Etheostoma podostemone

FamilyScientific NameAuthorYearCommon Name
PercidaeEtheostoma podostemoneJordan and Jenkins1889Riverweed Darter

Unique Characteristics: Belly and interpelvic area lacking modified scales. Lateral line normal, not arched upward. 1st  anal spine flexible, as thin as 2nd anal spine. Gill membranes broadly joined, 100-110°. Caudal fin rounded. Breeding males with bright orange spots in both dorsal fins and in caudal fin. Restricted to the upper and middle Dan River system in the Roanoke basin.

Similar Species:

“Tessellated” Darter Etheostoma sp. cf. olmstedi. Belly and interpelvic area lacking modified scales. Lateral line normal, not arched upward. Gill membranes narrowly joined, 55-75°. One anal spine; anal rays 7 or 8 (7-10). Lateral line scales 39-54. Caudal fin emarginate or truncate. Infraorbital canal incomplete

Etheostoma sp. cf. olmstedi - "Tessellated" Darter
Etheostoma sp. cf. olmstedi – “Tessellated” Darter
