Anchoa mitchilli

Anchoa mitchilli
Bay Anchovy – Anchoa mitchilli -FL
Photo Credit: Dan Marotta – Florida Fish and Wildlife Research Institute
FamilyScientific NameAuthorYearCommon Name
EngraulidaeAnchoa mitchilli(Valenciennes)1848Bay Anchovy

Anchoa mitchilli

Unique Characters: Head and snout short. Silver stripe on side narrow and often faint or absent anteriorly. Anal-fin origin at vertical through dorsal-fin origin. Maxilla long, tip pointed, reaching onto or beyond preoperculum. Pseudobranch short, not extending onto inner face of operculum Anus opening nearer to pelvic-fin tips than to anal-fin origin.

Anchoa maxilla
Anchoa maxilla Source: FAO 2002

Similar Species:

Dusky Anchovy
Anchoa lyolepis

Striped Anchovy
Anchoa hepsetus

Cuban Anchovy
Anchoa cubana

Anchoa lyolepis
Dusky Anchovy – Anchoa lyolepis Photo Credit: G.W. Link
Anchoa hepsetus
Striped Anchovy – Anchoa hepsetus
Anchoa cubana
Cuban Anchovy – Anchoa cubana Source: FAO 2002

Dusky Anchovy Anchoa lyolepis. Snout long, length about equal to eye diameter. Silver stripe on side very wide rearward and bordered above by thin black stripe. Maxilla long, tip pointed, reaching onto or beyond preoperculum. Pseudobranch long, greater than eye diameter, extending onto inner face of operculum.

Striped Anchovy Anchoa hepsetus. Snout length less than eye diameter. Silver stripe on side narrow. Maxilla long, tip pointed, reaching onto or beyond preoperculum. Pseudobranch short, not extending onto inner face of operculum Anus closer to anal-fin origin than to pelvic-fin tips.

Cuban Anchovy Anchoa cubana. Anal-fin origin more posterior, at or near vertical through midpoint of dorsal fin. Maxilla long, tip pointed, reaching onto or beyond preoperculum. Pseudobranch short, not extending onto inner face of operculum Anus opening nearer to pelvic-fin tips than to anal-fin origin.
