Enneacanthus chaetodon

Enneacanthus chaetodon
Blackbanded Sunfish – Enneacanthus chaetodon
FamilyScientific NameAuthorYearCommon Name
CentrarchidaeEnneacanthus chaetodon(Baird)1855Blackbanded Sunfish

Enneacanthus chaetodon

Unique Characters: Usually 6 black bars (first one through the eye) on a whitish body and a reddish orange leading edge on pelvic fins. First 2-3 membranes of dorsal fin black.

Similar Species: The other two species of Enneacanthus (E. obesus and E. gloriosus) lack bold black bars, the reddish orange pelvic fins, and dark dorsal membranes. 

Bluespotted Sunfish
Enneacanthus gloriosus.

Banded Sunfish
Enneacanthus obesus

Enneacanthus gloriosus
Bluespotted Sunfish – Enneacanthus gloriosus
Enneacanthus obesus
Banded Sunfish – Enneacanthus obesus

Bluespotted Sunfish Enneacanthus gloriosus. Iridescent color under the eye tends to be broken up into spots or short dashes. Anal fin tends to be pink to reddish orange. Usually 16-18 scales around slender caudal peduncle. Females and juveniles often have thin faint bars on the sides and are often confused with Banded Sunfish. Rows of blue or silver spots on the sides.

Banded Sunfish Enneacanthus obesus. Iridescent color under tends to a more or less continuous crescent. Usually no color in anal fin. Usually 19-22 scales around a stout caudal peduncle. Distinct broad bars on the side. Rows of purple to gold spots on the sides.
