Etheostoma serrifer

Etheostoma serrifer
Sawcheek Darter – Etheostoma serrifer
FamilyScientific NameAuthorYearCommon Name
PercidaeEtheostoma serrifer(Hubbs and Cannon)1935Sawcheek Darter

Etheostoma serrifer

Unique Characteristics: Belly and interpelvic area lacking modified scales. Lateral line arched upward anteriorly, incomplete. Two black basicaudal spots usually ringed with orange. Preopercle well serrated.

Etheostoma serrifer
Sawcheek Darter – Etheostoma serrifer – with serrate preopercle

Swamp Darter
Etheostoma fusiforme

Carolina Darter
Etheostoma collis

Etheostoma fusiforme
Swamp Darter – Etheostoma fusiforme
Etheostoma collis
Carolina Darter – Etheostoma collis

Swamp Darter Etheostoma fusiforme. Belly and interpelvic area lacking modified scales. Slender, compressed body. Lacks small brown spots. 10-12 dark blotches on the side. Two anal spines. Scaled breast. When viewed from above, the head is narrow and pointed. Preopercle often partially serrated, margin stiff. Three small vertical dark spots on caudal fin base.

Carolina Darter Etheostoma collis. Belly and interpelvic area lacking modified scales. Arched, incomplete lateral line. Many dark brown spots on the side; dark brown blotches or dashes on the side. Usually one anal spine. Naked breast. When viewed from above, the head is broad and rounded. Preopercle entire, margin fleshy. Three small vertical dark spots on caudal fin base.
