Hypentelium nigricans
Family | Scientific Name | Author | Year | Common Name |
Catostomidae | Hypentelium nigricans | (Lesueur) | 1817 | Northern Hog Sucker |
Unique Characters: Head flat or slightly to moderately concave between eyes. Boxlike head with vacuum-like mouth, slender posterior body, and prominent saddles. Lips papillose. Lateral line scales 45-48. Body form elongate. Dark and light horizontal stripes usually absent or faint. Adult size 125 mm standard length or much larger.

Similar Species:
Roanoke Hog Sucker
Hypentelium roanokense
Rustyside Sucker
Thoburnia hamiltoni
Roanoke Hog Sucker Hypentelium roanokense. Head flat or slightly to moderately concave between eyes. Lips papillose on outer surfaces, subplicate or plicate on inner surfaces. Lateral line scales 40-43. Body form foreshortened. Dark and light horizontal stripes moderately developed. Diminutive; adult size less than 120 mm standard length. Restricted to Roanoke basin with an introduced population in the upper Ararat River watershed in Surry County.
Rustyside Sucker Thoburnia hamiltoni. Head slightly or moderately convex between eyes. Restricted to upper Dan River in Stokes County, Roanoke basin.