Mugil cephalus
Family | Scientific Name | Author | Year | Common Name |
Mugilidae | Mugil cephaalus | Linnaeus | 1758 | Striped Mullet |
Unique Characters: Robust silvery body that is round in cross section. Many stripes on the sides; absent in very young individuals. Well-developed adipose eyelid. Second dorsal fin and anal fin unscaled or weakly scaled.
Mountain Mullet
Dajaus monticola
White Mullet
Mugil curema
Mountain Mullet Dajaus monticola. Robust and brown-colored body, yellow fins, and dusky blotch at base of the caudal fin. No adipose eyelid.
White Mullet Mugil curema. Not known from fresh water. Lacks stripes and second dorsal fin and anal fin are well scaled.