Miniellus procne

Notropis procne
Swallowtail Shiner – Miniellus procne – Neuse
FamilyScientific NameAuthorYearCommon Name
LeuciscidaeMiniellus procne(Cope)1865Swallowtail Shiner

Miniellus procne

Unique Characters: Black stripe on side, anterior to eye, but not on snout. Caudal spot disconnected from lateral stripe. Pointed snout and horizontal mouth. Anal fin base heavily pigmented. Usually 7 anal fin rays. Usually unscaled breast. Complete lateral line. Dash (smudge) of black pigment at base of dorsal fin. Very white sides below lateral line and venter; melanophores absent along the sides and above the anal fin. In life, it has two light dashes along the back before and after dorsal fin. Straw yellow-colored during spawning season. The population(s) in the lower Catawba appear “different” from their eastern counterparts in terms of overall body color and physical appearance. In some respects they appear to resemble Sand Shiner, Notropis stramineus.

Swallowtail Shiner - Back
Swallowtail Shiner – Back
Notropis procne
Swallowtail Shiner – Miniellus procne
Notropis procne
Miniellus procne snout

Similar Species:

Whitemouth Shiner
Miniellus alborus

Spottail Shiner
Hudsonius hudsonius

Notropis alborus
Whitemouth Shiner – Miniellus alborus
Notropis hudsonius
Spottail Shiner – Hudsonius hudsonius

Whitemouth Shiner Miniellus alborus. Upper iris of eye usually has red pigment. Body divided by a jagged-edged lateral stripe, which terminates as a wedge on caudal peduncle. The black stripe continues around the snout but not on the lips. Mouth horizontal. Rounded snout.

Spottail Shiner Hudsonius hudsonius. Dark lateral stripe that ends in a detached round spot at base of caudal fin. Lateral line pores are often outlined with melanophores. Speckling of melanophores below lateral line along sides of body, most pronounced near anal fin. Dorsal fin strongly pointed. Usually 8 anal fin rays. Scaled breast. Weak predorsal stripe.

Cape Fear Shiner
Miniellus mekistocholas

Bridle Shiner
Notropis bifrenatus

Notropis mekitocholas
Cape Fear Shiner – Miniellus mekistocholas
Notropis mekistocholas
Cape Fear Shiner – Miniellus mekistocholas
Notropis bifrenatus
Bridle Shiner – Notropis bifrenatus

Cape Fear Shiner Miniellus mekistocholas. Long, coiled black gut with black peritoneum. Black stripe on side but not on snout. Black pigment on both lips. Black wedge on anal fin base, usually separated from dark stripe along body. Pointed snout. Usually 8 anal fin rays.

Bridle Shiner Notropis bifrenatus. Dark black lateral stripe that is connected to black spot at base of caudal fin. Stripe continues around the snout. Slightly oblique mouth with some pigment on upper lip. Anal fin base with some pigment. Incomplete lateral line.

Mimic Shiner Paranotropis volucellus

Mimic Shiner Paranotropis volucellus. Anterior lateral scale height about 3 times the width. Eye usually directed to the side. Neuromasts, tiny pit-like sensory structures, well developed on the head. Tubercles absent or poorly developed.

Notropis volucellus
Mimic Shiner – Paranotropis volucellus
