Family | Scientific Name | Author | Year | Common Name |
Leuciscidae | Notropis scepticus | (Jordan and Gilbert) | 1883 | Sandbar Shiner |
Notropis scepticus
Unique Characters: Large, round eye, wider than the snout is long. Black dashes along the downcurved lateral line. Large, terminal, oblique mouth with black pigment on lips. Dorsal fin origin slightly behind anal fin origin. Predorsal profile curves downward above nostrils. Upper margin of lateral stripe higher anteriorly than posteriorly, curves down under dorsal fin.
Similar Species:
Comely Shiner Notropis amoenus. Smaller eye, less wide than the snout is long. Dorsal fin origin posterior to pelvic fin origin. Lacks black dashes along lateral line. Predorsal profile does not curve abruptly downward above nostrils. Upper margin of lateral stripe same height anteriorly as posteriorly, does not curve down under dorsal fin.
