Family | Scientific Name | Author | Year | Common Name |
Rajidae | Amblyraja radiata | (Donovan) | 1808 | Thorny Skate |
Amblyraja radiata
Unique Characters: Tip of snout firm; rostral cartilage moderately stout to stout. Anterior pectoral-fin rays distinctly separated from tip of snout. Snout generally not elongated. Anterolateral margin of disc straight to slightly convex (line connecting tip of snout to anterior aspect of lateral corner of disc intersecting disc). Ampullar pores on ventral surface of disc not darkly pigmented. Midrow thorns on disc very large and with stellate bases; about 10 midrow thorns on tail between axil of pelvic fins and first dorsal fin.
Similar Species:
Prickly Brown Ray
Dipturus teevani
Clearnose Skate
Raja eglanteria
Prickly Brown Ray Dipturus teevani. Tip of snout firm; rostral cartilage moderately stout to stout. Anterior pectoral-fin rays distinctly separated from tip of snout. Snout moderately elongated to distinctly elongated, anterolateral margin of disc concave (line connecting tip of snout to anterior aspect of lateral corner of disc free of disc). Ampullar pores on ventral surface of disc generally darkly pigmented.
Clearnose Skate Raja eglanteria. Tip of snout firm; rostral cartilage moderately stout to stout. Anterior pectoral-fin rays distinctly separated from tip of snout. Snout generally not elongated. Anterolateral margin of disc straight to slightly convex (line connecting tip of snout to anterior aspect of lateral corner of disc intersecting disc). Ampullar pores on ventral surface of disc not darkly pigmented. Midrow thorns on disc (if present) small to moderate in size and without stellate bases; more than 15 midrow thorns on tail between axil of pelvic fins and first dorsal fin. Dorsal surface of disc with many irregular dark spots and transverse, oblique narrow bars. Several thorns on scapular and nuchal region of disc, but thorns never forming a triangular patch.