Ancylopsetta quadrocellata

Ancylopsetta ommata
Ocellated Flounder – Ancylopsetta quadrocellata
FamilyScientific NameAuthorYearCommon Name
ParalichthyidaeAncylopsetta quadrocellataGill1864Ocellated Flounder

Ancylopsetta quadrocellata

Unique Characters: Four large ocellated spots on ocular side; anterior spot above curved portion of lateral line, posterior ocelli arranged in triangle with 2 (one above the other) in midbody and the third located on the lateral line caudally. Anterior rays of dorsal fin in adults slightly elongated. Origin of dorsal fin over or slightly anterior to front of eyes. Dorsal profile of head with a concavity in front of upper eye. Lateral line distinctly arched above pectoral fin on ocular side and prolonged below inferior eye. Pelvic fins symmetrically or nearly symmetrically placed on either side of midventral line (base of neither pelvic fin on midventral line). Urinary papilla on ocular side. Branched caudal-fin rays 13. Pelvic-fin rays of ocular side in adults longer than rays of blind side. Lower-limb gill rakers on first arch 6-9. Dorsal-fin rays 62-84. Scales on eyed side ctenoid.

Similar Species:

Shrimp Flounder
Gastropsetta frontalis

Three-eye Flounder
Ancylopsetta dilecta

Shrimp Flounder Gastropsetta frontalis. Lateral line distinctly arched above pectoral fin on ocular side and prolonged below inferior eye. Pelvic fins symmetrically or nearly symmetrically placed on either side of midventral line (base of neither pelvic fin on midventral line). Urinary papilla on ocular side. Branched caudal-fin rays 13. Pelvic-fin rays of ocular side in adults longer than rays of blind side. Anterior rays of dorsal fin in adults prolonged beginning with second ray. 3 large, ocellated, dark spots on body; 1 above pectoral fin and 2 at midbody, one above the other, dorsal and ventral to lateral line. Lower-limb gill rakers on first arch 6-9. Dorsal-fin rays 58-65. Origin of dorsal fin well in advance of eyes. Dorsal profile of head smoothly convex. Scales on ocular side cycloid and embedded.

Three-eye Flounder Ancylopsetta dilecta. Three large, ocellated, dark spots on body; arranged in triangular pattern on ocular side, with posterior ocellus on lateral line; no spot above curved portion of lateral line. Anterior rays of dorsal and pelvic fins in adults elongated. Origin of dorsal fin over or slightly anterior to front of eyes. Dorsal profile of head with a concavity in front of upper eye. Lateral line distinctly arched above pectoral fin on ocular side and prolonged below inferior eye. Pelvic fins symmetrically or nearly symmetrically placed on either side of midventral line (base of neither pelvic fin on midventral line). Urinary papilla on ocular side. Branched caudal-fin rays 13. Pelvic-fin rays of ocular side in adults longer than rays of blind side. Lower-limb gill rakers on first arch 6-9. Dorsal-fin rays 62-84. Scales on eyed side ctenoid.
