Family | Scientific Name | Author | Year | Common Name |
Caproidae | Antigonia capros | Lowe | 1843 | Deepbody Boarfish |
Antigonia capros
Unique Characters: Body pinkish to red dorsally, silvery pink ventrally. Body depth equal to or more than standard length (0.8-1.0 in standard length). Dorsal-fin spines 8 (rarely 7 or 9), soft rays 31-37. Pectoral fins with 13 (rarely 12) soft rays.
Similar Species: Shortspine Boarfish Antigonia combatia. Body pinkish to red dorsally, silvery pink ventrally. Body depth less than standard length (1.2-1.6 times in standard length). Dorsal-fin spines 9 (rarely 10), soft rays 26-30. Pectoral fins with 12 (rarely 13) soft rays.