Family | Scientific Name | Author | Year | Common Name |
Argentinidae | Argentina silus | (Ascanius) | 1775 | Atlantic Argentine |
Family Argentinidae — Small-sized (10 to 70 cm) with elongated, robust body, usually convex head profile. Small terminal mouth, ending in front of eye; teeth absent on premaxillary and maxillary. A single dorsal fin with soft rays near the midpoint of body, followed by an adipose dorsal fin on the posterior 1/4 of the body above anal fin. Pectoral fin placed low, on the ventrolateral contours of body. Pelvic fins beneath or behind dorsal fin. No spines in fins. Dorsal fin with 10-14 rays, anal fin with 10-17 rays, pectoral fins with 11-25 rays, and pelvic fins with 10-15 rays.
Argentina silus
Unique Characters: Dorsal fin begins above or nearly above tip of pectoral fin. Scales with tiny spines on exposed parts. Gill rakers on upper arch 7 or fewer; rakers quite robust and conical. Lower gill rakers 13 (11-15).
Similar Species:
Pygmy Argentine
Glossanodon pygmaeus
Striated Argentine
Argentina striata
Pygmy Argentine Glossanodon pygmaeus. Gill rakers on upper arch 10 or more; rakers thin and long.
Striated Argentine Argentina striata. Dorsal fin begins above a point behind tip of pectoral fin. Scales lack tiny spines. Gill rakers on upper arch 7 or fewer; rakers quite robust and conical. Lower gill rakers 7 or fewer.