Bagre marinus

Bagre marinus
Gafftopsail Catfish – Bagre marinus
Photo Credit: James Fleullan
FamilyScientific NameAuthorYearCommon Name
AriidaeBagre marinus(Mitchill)1815Gafftopsail Catfish

Bagre marinus

Unique Characters: Only 2 pairs of barbels on the chin. Filaments of dorsal- and pectoral-fin spines appearing as long, flattened ribbons.

Similar Species: Hardhead Catfish Ariopsis felis. Fin spines with no fleshy elements. Adipose fin blackish. Three pairs of barbels around mouth, all round in cross-section.

Ariopsis felis
Hardhead Catfish – Ariopsis felis
Photo Credit: James Fleullan
