Bathytyphlops sp.

FamilyScientific NameAuthorYearCommon Name
InopidaeBathytyphlops sp.Nybelin1957(No Common Name) Tripod Fish

Bathytyphlops sp.

Unique Characters: Small (13 to 30 cm), slender aulopiform fishes; body oval in cross-section, but snout is depressed, sometimes spatulate. Mouth terminal, maxilla expanded posteriorly with a single supramaxilla. A single well-developed gill raker at junction of upper and lower arms of arch. Eyes very small  and laterally directed, sometimes covered by skin and scales. Dorsal fin located on anterior third to half of body; dorsal fin may have more rays, fewer rays, or have the same number of rays as the anal fin; dorsal-fin rays not modified. Adipose fin, when present, located posterior to anal-fin base. Caudal fin forked, usually with lower lobe longer than upper lobe. Pectoral fins just anterior to dorsal fin origin. Pelvic fin subthoracic, anterior to dorsal-fin insertion. All fins lack spines.

Similar Species: None.
