Family | Scientific Name | Author | Year | Common Name |
Clupeidae | Brevoortia tyrannus | (Latrobe) | 1802 | Menhaden |
Brevoortia tyrannus
Unique Characters: Fins pale yellow. Numerous spots on sides behind the dark shoulder spot. Upper jaw with deep median notch. Last dorsal-fin ray not filamentous. Modified predorsal scales present on either side of dorsal midline. Other scales deeply overlapping and irregular with posterior margin serrate or pectinate. 6 branched pelvic-fin rays. Pelvic fin with rounded posterior margin, inner rays equal or nearly equal with outer rays when fin folded back.
Similar Species: Yellowfin Menhaden Brevoortia smithi. Fins golden yellow. A single dark shoulder spot. Upper jaw with deep median notch. Last dorsal-fin ray not filamentous. Modified predorsal scales present on either side of dorsal midline. Other scales deeply overlapping and irregular with posterior margin serrate or pectinate. 6 branched pelvic-fin rays. Pelvic fin with oblique and almost straight posterior margin, inner rays markedly shorter than outer rays when fin folded back.