Family | Scientific Name | Author | Year | Common Name |
Centropomidae | Centropomus undecimalis | (Bloch) | 1792 | Common Snook |
Centropomus undecimalis
Unique Characters: Body elongate or oblong, and compressed, usually with a convex dorsal profile, often concave at snout or above eyes. Yellow-brown to brown-green above, silvery on sides and below, and with a black or dark lateral line on sides; fins are dusky. Mouth large, jaws unequal, with lower jaw protruding beyond the upper. Teeth small, in villiform bands on jaws and on roof of mouth (vomer, palatines and sometimes ectopterygoids). Preoperculum with a serrated posterior and ventral border; operculum without spines; suborbital plate with a serrated ventral edge. Two separate dorsal fins, the first with 8 strong spines, the second with 1 spine and 8-11 (usually 9 or 10) soft rays. Anal fin short, with 3 strong spines (the second strongest) and 5-8 (usually 6 or 7) soft rays. Pelvic fins below pectoral fins, with 1 strong spine and 5 soft rays; an axillary scale present. Scales moderate or large, ctenoid (rough to touch). Lateral line extending to the hind margin of caudal fin.
Similar Species: None.