Clupea harengus

FamilyScientific NameAuthorYearCommon Name
CluepeidaeClupea harengusLinnaeus1758Atlantic Herring

Clupea harengus

Unique Characters: Body elongate. 39-46 weakly developed ventral scutes. Upper jaw without median notch. Posterior border of gill opening evenly rounded.

Similar Species:

Scaled Sardine Harengula jaguana

Atlantic Thread Herring Opisthonema oglinum

Spanish Sardine Sardinella aurita

Harengula jaguana
Scaled Sardine – Harengula jaguana
Photo Credit: G.H. Burgess
Opisthonema oglinum
Atlantic Thread Herring – Opisthonema oglinum
Sardinella aurita
Spanish Sardine – Sardinella aurita

Scaled Sardine Harengula jaguana. Body deep. Back with dark streaks, never orangish. Usually single dark spot on upper opercle edge and sometimes one at shoulder. Upper jaw without median notch. Posterior border of gill opening with 2 fleshy lobes. Small, toothed hypomaxilla present between posterior tip of premaxilla and expanded blade of maxilla.

Atlantic Thread Herring Opisthonema oglinum. Last dorsal-fin ray elongate. Large dark spot behind opercle. Upper jaw without median notch. Posterior border of gill opening with 2 fleshy lobes. No small, toothed hypomaxilla between posterior tip of premaxilla and expanded blade of maxilla. 7 branched pelvic-fin rays.

Spanish Sardine Sardinella aurita. Body very slender. Last two anal fin rays enlarged. Upper jaw without median notch. Posterior border of gill opening with 2 fleshy lobes. No small, toothed hypomaxilla between posterior tip of premaxilla and expanded blade of maxilla. Last dorsal-fin ray normal. 8 branched pelvic-fin rays.
