Family | Scientific Name | Author | Year | Common Name |
Exocoetidae | Cypselurus comatus | (Mitchill) | 1815 | Clearwing Flyingfish |
Cypselurus comatus
Unique Characters: Dorsal fin low and unmarked. Pectoral fins lightly and almost uniformly pigmented. Pectoral fins very long, reaching beyond anal-fin base to or almost to caudal-fin base. Pectoral branch of lateral line absent. Pelvic fins long, reaching well beyond anal-fin origin, inserted nearer to anal-fin origin than pectoral-fin insertion. Origin of anal fin 3 soft rays or more behind origin of dorsal fin. Dorsal fin 2-5 soft rays more than anal fin. Only the first pectoral-fin ray unbranched. Juveniles with a single chin barbel. Pelvic fins inserted about midway between posterior head margin and origin of lower caudal-fin lobe. Lower jaw slightly shorter than upper jaw and included beneath the latter when mouth closed.
Similar Species: None.