Dalatias licha

Dalatias licha
Kitefin Shark – Dalatias licha
Source: FAO 2002
FamilyScientific NameAuthorYearCommon Name
DalatiidaeDalatias licha(Bonnaterre)1788Kitefin Shark

Dalatias licha

Unique Characters: Body darkish brown with blackish spots. Two dorsal fins without spines on their anterior margins. Head with 5 gill slits, all anterior to pectoral fins, the fifth not abruptly longer than the others; spiracles always present, large and just behind eyes. Eyes on sides of head, without nictitating eyelids. Teeth strong-cusped, dissimilar in both jaws, upper teeth narrow, and needle-like, without cusplets; lower teeth compressed, broad, blade-like, and without cusplets, adjacent teeth imbricated, upper teeth much smaller than lowers.

Similar Species: None.
