Family | Scientific Name | Author | Year | Common Name |
Carangidae | Decapterus macarellus | (Cuvier) | 1833 | Mackerel Scad |
Decapterus macarellus
Unique Characters: Body very slender and elongate; cigar-shaped. Small black spot at edge of opercle. Last dorsal and anal fin rays separate as finlets from the rest of the fin. No spots on lateral line. Caudal fin yellowish. Posterior straight part of lateral line with enlarged hardened scutes. Scales obvious over most or all of body. Adults with pectoral fins relatively short, equal to or shorter than head length. No enlarged scute-like scales in curved lateral line; dorsal accessory lateral line terminating before origin of dorsal fin. Terminal ray of dorsal and anal fins consisting of a detached finlet not connected to penultimate ray by fin membrane. Shoulder girdle margin with a shallow groove, a low moderate papilla above it, and a smaller papilla near upper edge. No row of dark spots along curved lateral line. Posterior end of maxilla straight above, moderately rounded only at lower corner, otherwise posterior margin straight. Straight part of lateral line with 0-33 anterior scales and curved lateral line with 62-79 scales. Straight part of lateral line with 19-33 anterior scales followed by 23-32 scutes. Posterior end of maxilla strongly slanted anteroventrally. Oral valve (membranous flap) at symphysis of upper jaw conspicuously white in adults.
Similar Species:
Round Scad
Decapterus punctatus
Redtail Scad
Decapterus tabl
Round Scad Decapterus punctatus. Body very slender and elongate; cigar-shaped. Small black spot at edge of opercle. Last dorsal and anal fin rays separate as finlets from the rest of the fin. Conspicuous row of black spots on anterior portion of lateral line. Caudal fin yellowish. Posterior straight part of lateral line with enlarged hardened scutes. No enlarged scute-like scales in curved lateral line; dorsal accessory lateral line terminating before origin of dorsal fin. Scales obvious over most or all of body. Adults with pectoral fins relatively short, equal to or shorter than head length. Terminal ray of dorsal and anal fins consisting of a detached finlet not connected to penultimate ray by fin membrane. Shoulder girdle margin with a shallow groove, a low moderate papilla above it, and a smaller papilla near upper edge. Posterior end of maxilla concave above, noticeably rounded and produced below. Straight part of lateral line usually with 0 (rarely 1 or 2) anterior scales and curved lateral line with 37-56 scales.
Redtail Scad Decapterus tabl. Body very slender and elongate; cigar-shaped. Caudal fin red. Small black spot at edge of opercle. Last dorsal and anal fin rays separate as finlets from the rest of the fin. No spots on anterior portion of lateral line. Posterior straight part of lateral line with enlarged hardened scutes. Scales obvious over most or all of body. Adults with pectoral fins relatively short, equal to or shorter than head length. No enlarged scute-like scales in curved lateral line; dorsal accessory lateral line terminating before origin of dorsal fin. Terminal ray of dorsal and anal fins consisting of a detached finlet not connected to penultimate ray by fin membrane. Shoulder girdle margin with a shallow groove, a low moderate papilla above it, and a smaller papilla near upper edge. Posterior end of maxilla straight above, moderately rounded only at lower corner, otherwise posterior margin straight. Straight part of lateral line with 0-33 anterior scales and curved lateral line with 62-79 scales. Straight part of lateral line with 0-8 anterior scales followed by 34-44 scutes. Posterior end of maxilla only slightly slanted anteroventrally. Oral valve (membranous flap) at symphysis of upper jaw dusky or hyaline.