Photo Credit: NOAA Fisheries, Panama City Lab
Family | Scientific Name | Author | Year | Common Name |
Sciaenidae | Equetus lanceolatus | (Linnaeus) | 1758 | Jackknife-fish |
Equetus lanceolatus
Unique Characters: Body with 3 dark oblique bars, 2 on head, 1 from spinous dorsal fin obliquely extends to caudal fin. Chin without barbel. Mouth small, inferior, snout projecting in front of upper jaw. Body short and deep, dorsal profile strongly elevated or arched on nape; body depth less than 3.5 times in standard length. Body dark silvery to brownish with conspicuous longitudinal stripes, or broad oblique bars on head and flank. Spinous dorsal fin very high, longer than head.
Similar Species: None