Family | Scientific Name | Author | Year | Common Name |
Moridae | Gadella imberbis | (Vaillant) | 1888 | Beardless Codling |
Family Moridae – Body elongated, rounded in front of abdomen, more laterally flattened behind, tapering to a narrow caudal peduncle. Teeth few or lacking on roof of mouth. Two dorsal fins, the first short-based and triangular, the second long-based, its length more than half total length. Anal fin long-based, its length 1/2 of, or longer than, that of second dorsal fin. Pelvic fins thoracic, small, with 2-6 rays, the bases well separated. Caudal fin small, margin rounded to slightly forked, separated from dorsal and anal fins. Abdominal light organ in some species, seen externally as small, black naked fossa anterior to vent.
Gadella imberbis
Unique Characters: Snout rounded. A small black fossa of light organ on abdomen anterior to anus. Chin barbel absent. Fossa of light organ very small. Black anchor-shaped patch on tongue and roof of mouth.
Similar Species: (No Common Name) Codling Physiculus karrerae. Snout rounded. A small black fossa of light organ on abdomen anterior to anus. Chin barbel present. Fossa of light organ moderate sized. No prominent pigment patches on tongue and roof of mouth.