Family | Scientific Name | Author | Year | Common Name |
Myctophidae | Lampanyctus sp. | Bonaparte | 1840 | Unspecified Lanternfish |
Unique Characters: Three or more precaudal (1 may be at or above lateral midline at base of caudal peduncle). Dorso-nasal absent. Supra- and infracaudal glands overlapping scale-like plates, never bordered by jet-black pigment. Neither 2 horizontal Pol near lateral line or VO1-3 on a straight ascending line with VO4-5 level. Supra- and infracaudal glands overlapping scale-like plates, never bordered by jet-black pigment. Luminous tissue restricted to caudal luminous glands and occasionally at base of adipose fin Pectoral fin long, at least reaching SAO photophores, often to anterior anal fin or pectoral fin rudimentary or short, seldom reaching PO4.
Species in the Genus Lampanyctus:
Lampanyctus alatus Goode and Bean 1896, Winged Lanternfish
Diagnosis: dorsal finrays 12 (11); anal finrays 17 (16-18); pectoral finrays 12 (11-13). Gillrakers (North Atlantic population) 4 (rarely 3) + 1 + 9, total 14 (rarely 13); (South Atlantic population) 3 + 1 + 9 (8), total 13 (12). AO 6 (5-7) + 6-7 (5-8), total 12-13 (11). Luminous gland at origin of adipose fin. One cheek photophore. Secondary photophores on head and body and on fins. Minute serial photophores on branchiostegal membrane between branchiostegal rays. Size: to 61 mm.
Lampanyctus ater Tåning 1928, Dusky Lanternfish
Diagnosis: dorsal finrays 15 (14-16); anal finrays 19 (18-20, rarely 17) pectoral finrays 14 (13-15). Gillrakers 4 + 1 + 10 (rarely 9 or 11), total 15 (rarely 14 or 16). AO 9 (8-10) + 8 (7-9), total 17 (16-18, rarely 15). Size: to 200 mm.
Lampanyctus cuprarius Tåning 1928, Undescribed species near (No Common Name) Lanternfish
Diagnosis: dorsal finrays 17 (rarely 16 or 18), anal finrays 18-19 (20). Gillrakers 5 + 1 + 11 (10-12), total 17 (16-18). AO 6 (5) + 5-6, total 11-12. Size: to 40 mm.
Lampanyctus lineatus Tåning 1928, (No Common Name) Lanternfish
Diagnosis: dorsal finrays 16-17 (15-19); anal finrays 20 (19-22, rarely 18); pectoral finrays 12-13. Gillrakers 5 (46) + 1 + 11(10-12), total 17 (15-19). AO 7 (8-9) + 8 (7), total 15 (14-17). Size: over 235 mm.

Similar Species: None.
Craddock, J.E. and K.E. Hartel. 2002. Myctophidae. Lanternfishes. Pp 944-951. In The living marine resources of the Western Central Atlantic. Volume 2: Bony fishes part 1 (Acipenseridae to Grammatidae). K.E. Carpenter (ed.). FAO Species Identification Guide for Fishery Purposes and American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists Special Publication No. 5. Rome, Italy. pp. 601-1374.
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