Lobotes surinamensis

Lobotes surinamensis
Triple Tail – Lobotes surinamensis
FamilyScientific NameAuthorYearCommon Name
LobotidaeLobotes surinamensis(Bloch)1790Tripletail

Lobotes surinamensis

Unique Characters: Lobotes surinamensis (Bloch, 1790). A compressed, deep-bodied perch-like fish with the dorsal and anal fins rounded and symmetrical so that with the tail they appear to be a single three-lobed fin. Head dish-shaped, interorbital space narrow, upper profile concave. Eye relatively small; no subocular shelf visible externally. Mouth large, slightly oblique, upper jaw protractile; maxilla not slipping under preorbital bone when mouth closed. No teeth on roof of mouth.

Similar Species: None.
