Megalops atlanticus

Megalops atlanticus
Atlantic Tarpon – Megalops atlanticus – Juvenile
FamilyScientific NameAuthorYearCommon Name
MegalopidaeMegalops atlanticus(Valenciennes)1847Tarpon

Megalops atlanticus

Unique Characters: Body moderately elongate and highly compressed. Head moderately short and deep, its dorsal outline nearly straight and horizontal, the back somewhat elevated, the ventral outline strongly curved anteriorly. Eye large, 3.3-4.7 in head length. Mouth large and oblique, lower jaw prominently projecting; a gular plate present between arms of lower jaw. Dorsal fin short-based, with 13-15 rays, located behind pelvic fins but entirely before anal fin, falcate, with a greatly prolonged final ray.

Megalops atlanticus
Tarpon – Megalops atlanticus
Source: FAO 2002

Similar Species: None
