Pareques umbrosus

Pareques umbrosus
Cubbyu – Pareques umbrosus
FamilyScientific NameAuthorYearCommon Name
SciaenidaePareques umbrosus(Jordan and Eignmann)1889Cubbyu

Pareques umbrosus

Unique Characters: Side with no oblique bar; with 7 to 10 narrow longitudinal stripes, narrower than pupil; young with a V-shaped dark bar connecting eyes across nape, diffused in adult. Chin without barbel. Mouth small, inferior, snout projecting in front of upper jaw. Body short and deep, dorsal profile strongly elevated or arched on nape; body depth less than 3.5 times in standard length. Spinous dorsal fin not as high, much shorter than head; when depressed against back, its tip not reaching to base of fourth soft dorsal-fin ray.

Similar Species:

Pareques acuminatus

Pareques iwamotoi
Blackbar Drum

Pareques iwamotoi
Blackbar Drum – Pareques iwamotoi

High-hat Pareques acuminatus. Chin without barbel. Mouth small, inferior, snout projecting in front of upper jaw. Body short and deep, dorsal profile strongly elevated or arched on nape; body depth less than 3.5 times in standard length. Spinous dorsal fin not as high, much shorter than head. Spinous dorsal fin when pressed against back, its tip reaching base of sixth soft dorsal-fin ray. Body dark silvery to brownish with 3-5 broad and dark longitudinal bands, wider than pupil, with narrower stripes in between; young with a straight dark bar connecting eyes across top of head, diffused in adult.

Blackbar Drum Pareques iwamotoi. Chin without barbel. Mouth small, inferior, snout projecting in front of upper jaw. Body short and deep, dorsal profile strongly elevated or arched on nape; body depth less than 3.5 times in standard length. Spinous dorsal fin not as high, much shorter than head. Side with a broad oblique bar from base of spinous dorsal fin to pelvic fins; one longitudinal stripe on midline reaching to tip of caudal fin.
