Peristedion ecuadorense

FamilyScientific NameAuthorYearCommon Name
PeristediidaePeristedion ecuadorenseTeague1961Pyramidnose Armored Searobin

Peristedion ecuadorense

Unique Characters: Head broad. Perifacial rim broad, wider than 2 mm at posterior margin. Perifacial rim terminating posteriorly perpendicular to head. Anterior edge of first ventral scute posterior to anterior edge of bony ridge of pelvic girdle. Dorsal preopercular ridge and second infraorbital spines not very large. Chin barbel numbers usually much greater or less than 8 or 9. Rostral exsertions very short, broad, triangular shaped.

Similar Species:

Slender Searobin
Peristedion gracile

Armored Searobin
Peristedion miniatum

Slender Searobin Peristedion gracile. Head narrow. Perifacial rim extremely narrow, less than 2 mm wide at posterior margin.

Armored Searobin Peristedion miniatum. Head broad. Perifacial rim broad, wider than 2 mm at posterior margin. Perifacial rim terminating posteriorly perpendicular to head. Anterior edge of first ventral scute posterior to anterior edge of bony ridge of pelvic girdle. Dorsal preopercular ridge and second infraorbital spines very large; chin barbel counts constant 8 or 9, distinctive from other species in having the anterior cluster with 1 large and 2 small barbels, and the remaining clusters with 1 large and 1 small barbel (posterior clusters sometimes lacking small barbel.

Black Armored Searobin Peristedion truncatum

Alligator Searobin Peristedion greyae

Rimpsine Searobin Peristedion thompsoni

Black Armored Searobin Peristedion truncatum. Head broad. Perifacial rim broad, wider than 2 mm at posterior margin. Perifacial rim terminating posteriorly perpendicular to head. Anterior edge of first ventral scute posterior to anterior edge of bony ridge of pelvic girdle. Dorsal preopercular ridge and second infraorbital spines not very large. Chin barbel numbers usually much greater or less than 8 or 9. Rostral exsertions not short or triangular shaped. Lip barbels 2+1+2. Mandibular barbel short, scarcely reaching past posterior articulation of jaw.

Alligator Searobin Peristedion greyae. Head broad. Perifacial rim broad, wider than 2 mm at posterior margin. Perifacial rim terminating posteriorly perpendicular to head. Anterior edge of first ventral scute posterior to anterior edge of bony ridge of pelvic girdle. Dorsal preopercular ridge and second infraorbital spines not very large. Chin barbel numbers usually much greater or less than 8 or 9. Rostral exsertions not short or triangular shaped. Lip barbels 2+2. Mandibular barbel long, from nearly reaching posterior termination of perifacial rim to posterior half of first ventral scute.

Rimpsine Searobin Peristedion thompsoni. Head broad. Perifacial rim broad, wider than 2 mm at posterior margin. Perifacial rim terminating posteriorly as a spine or a flat spine-like projection. Anterior edge of first ventral scute equal or anterior to anterior edge of bony ridge of pelvic girdle.
