Family | Scientific Name | Author | Year | Common Name |
Scorpaenidae | Scorpaena plumieri | Bloch | 1789 | Spotted Scorpionfish |
Note: All Scorpaena — Dorsal-fin spines almost always 12. Palatine teeth present. First preopercular spine longest, not counting accessory spine at base of first spine. Soft dorsal fin rays 10 1/2 or fewer (usually 8 1/2 or 9 1/2). Scales on body cycloid (smooth to touch).
Scorpaena plumieri
Unique Characters: Three or 4 preorbital spines on ventral margin of lacrimal bone in all but juvenile specimens (less than about 50-60 mm standard length. Inside surface of pectoral fin and adjacent body with large white spots on a black background in specimens greater than 30 mm standard length.
Similar Species: Hunchback Scorpionfish Scorpaena dispar. Three or 4 preorbital spines on ventral margin of lacrimal bone in all but juvenile specimens (less than about 50 to 60 mm standard length. Inside surface of pectoral fin pallid or sometimes with large dark blotches on fin.