Setarches guentheri

FamilyScientific NameAuthorYearCommon Name
SetarchidaeSetarches guentheriJohnson1862Deepwater Scorpinfish

Setarches guentheri

Unique Characters: Deepwater Scorpinfish Setarches guentheri. Dorsal-fin spines almost always 12. Palatine teeth present. First preopercular spine longest, not counting accessory spine at base of first spine. Soft dorsal fin rays 10 1/2 or fewer (usually 8 1/2 or 9 1/2). Lateral line complete, extending to caudal fin. Pigment on caudal peduncle not strongly spotted. Scales on body cycloid (smooth to touch); tiny, not in definite rows, roughly equivalent to 100 vertical rows above lateral line. Bones of head weak, translucent, cavernous; no pit in occiput on top of head. Pectoral-fin rays 2-25, soft anal-fin rays usually 5 ½. Orbit diameter about equal to interorbital width (7-9% standard length). Anterior preorbital (lacrimal) spine as long as posterior 2. Second preopercular spine subequal to or longer than first or third preopercular spines.

Similar Species: None.
