Family | Scientific Name | Author | Year | Common Name |
Squalidae | Squalus mitsukurii | Jordan and Snyder | 1903 | Shortspine Dogfish |
Squalus mitsukurii
Unique Characters: Snout and head narrower; anterior nasal flap narrow. Second dorsal fin much smaller than first. Pectoral fins narrow and falcate. Precaudal pits well developed. First dorsal-fin spine anterior to or over free rear tips of pectoral fins. No white spots. Distance from tip of snout to inner corner of nostril greater than that from inner corner of nostril to upper labial furrow. Posterior margins of pectoral fins weakly concave, their free rear tips rounded. Denticles broad and tricuspidate on sides of body. Dorsal fins without conspicuous black apical blotches.
Similar Species:
Roughskin Dogfish Cirrhigaleus asper
Spiny Dogfish Squalus acanthias
Cuban Dogish Squalus cubensis
Roughskin Dogfish Cirrhigaleus asper. Snout and head very broad; anterior nasal flap broad. First dorsal fin about as large as second. Pectoral fins broad and not strongly falcate. Precaudal pit absent.
Spiny Dogfish Squalus acanthias. Snout and head narrower; anterior nasal flap narrow. Second dorsal fin much smaller than first. Pectoral fins narrow and falcate. Precaudal pits well developed. First dorsal-fin spine well posterior to free rear tips of pectoral fins. White spots present on sides (occasionally absent in adults).
Cuban Dogish Squalus cubensis. Snout and head narrower; anterior nasal flap narrow. Second dorsal fin much smaller than first. Pectoral fins narrow and falcate. Precaudal pits well developed. First dorsal-fin spine anterior to or over free rear tips of pectoral fins. No white spots. Distance from tip of snout to inner corners of nostrils less than that from inner corners of nostrils to upper labial furrows. Posterior margins of pectoral fins deeply concave and free rear tips acutely pointed. Denticles from sides of body narrow and unicuspidate. Dorsal fins with conspicuous black apical blotches.