Squatina dumeril

Squatina dumeril
Atlantic Angel Shark – Squatina dumeril
FamilyScientific NameAuthorYearCommon Name
SquatinidaeSquatina dumerilLesueur1818Atlantic Angel Shark

Squatina dumeril

Unique Characters: Atlantic Angel Shark Squatina dumeril. A moderately large, flattened, ray-like shark. Head and body greatly depressed; head transversely oval, with a distinct neck at bases of pectoral fins; nostrils at tip of snout, each with a bifid nasal barbel; mouth short, angular, and terminal on head. 5 moderately long gill openings ventrolaterally situated and not visible dorsally. Caudal fin very short, much less than half the total length, nearly symmetrical but not lunate, with the lower lobe slightly longer than the upper and with the vertebral axis extending ventrally into it (hypocercal caudal fin). Caudal peduncle moderately depressed, with a low longitudinal keel on each side; no precaudal pits. Pectoral fins greatly enlarged and triangular, with a large triangular lobe extending from their bases on each side to parallel the gill openings (but not fused to sides of head above them as in rays).

Similar Species: None.
