Stegastes leucostictus

FamilyScientific NameAuthorYearCommon Name
PomacentridaeStegastes leucostictus(Mùˆller and Troschel)1848Beaugregory

Stegastes leucostictus

Unique Characteristics: Dorsal-fin spines 12. Preopercle serrated. Dark olive brown to dusky gray. May be pale below. Caudal fin yellowish to pale. May have blue spots on head and upper sides. Spot on caudal peduncle absent. Body comparatively shallow.

Similar Species:

Dusky Damselfish
Stegastes adustus

Bicolor Damselfish
Stegastes partitus

Stegastes adustus
Dusky Damselfish – Stegastes adustus
Photo Credit: G.W. Link

Dusky Damselfish Stegastes adustus. Dorsal-fin spines 12. Preopercle serrated. Body and fins dark bluish to purplish brown. Scale edges dark. May have faint blue spots on head, chest, and abdomen. Small, dark spot at upper pectoral-fin base. Soft dorsal- and anal-fin tips reach to or slightly beyond caudal-fin base.

Bicolor Damselfish Stegastes partitus. Dorsal-fin spines 12. Preopercle serrated. Several color phases exist: dark brown to blackish on anterior half to two-thirds of body with pearly posterior portion; dark brown to blackish on upper anterior portion of body, yellow below, with posterior portion pearly; overall pearly to grayish. Brownish black and yellow areas variable in size. Caudal fin may be pale to grayish. Pectoral fins always yellowish.

Threespot Damselfish
Stegastes planifrons

Cocoa Damselfish
Stegastes variabilis

Stegastes variabilis
Cocoa Damselfish – Stegastes variabilis

Threespot Damselfish Stegastes planifrons. Dorsal-fin spines 12. Preopercle serrated. Purplish brown to brownish gray dorsally, yellow below. Always with large black spot at upper pectoral-fin base and on upper caudal peduncle. Upper rim of eye always yellowish. Snout may have a blue wash. Body comparatively deep.

Cocoa Damselfish Stegastes variabilis. Dorsal-fin spines 12. Preopercle serrated. Dark bluish brown to greenish brown dorsally, yellow below. May have blue spots on head and upper body. Pectoral fins yellow. Rear portion of dorsal fin yellowish. Small spot at pectoral-fin base. May have a dark spot on upper caudal peduncle. Body comparatively deep.
