Family | Scientific Name | Author | Year | Common Name |
Cynoglossidae | Symphurus plagiusa | (Linnaeus) | 1766 | Blackcheek Tonguefish |
Symphurus plagiusa
Unique Characters: Large blackish patch on opercle. Fins blotched. Peritoneum unpigmented. Pupillary operculum and fleshy ridge on ocular-side lower jaw absent or weakly developed. Caudal-fin rays usually 10-12. Dorsal-fin rays 89-97. Anal-fin rays 73-81. Body usually deeper in anterior 1/3 of length and tapering noticeably posteriorly. Teeth present or absent over entire margins of both ocular-side jaws. 79-89 scales in longitudinal series. Eye relatively small, usually only 6.4-9.4% head length. Opercular cavity and throat region dark, visible from above. No dark brown blotch on caudal region of ocular surface of body. No ocellated spots on caudal, posterior dorsal, or anal fins. Dorsal and anal fins without spots. No ostia in membranes at bases of dorsal and anal fins.
Similar Species: Offshore Tonguefish Symphurus civitatium. Ocular side brownish, sometimes with obscure bands across body, but not onto fins. Cheek not black. Peritoneum unpigmented. Pupillary operculum absent. Caudal-fin rays usually 12. Dorsal-fin rays 86-93. Anal-fin rays 70-78. Body usually deeper in anterior 1/3 of length and tapering noticeably posteriorly. Teeth present or absent over entire margins of both ocular-side jaws. 66-83 scales in longitudinal series. Eye relatively large, 7.0-11% head length.