Trinectes maculatus

Trinectes maculatus
Hogchoker – Trinectes maculatus
FamilyScientific NameAuthorYearCommon Name
AchiridaeTrinectes maculatus(Bloch and Schneider)1801Hogchoker

Trinectes maculatus

Unique Characters: Body covered with scales, skin not very loose. Ocular side of adults without prominent crossbands (crossbands if present, faint and narrow). Pectoral fin usually absent. Cirri scattered, not in tufts. Interbranchial septum entire, without foramen. Ocular-side pectoral fin rudimentary, normally with a single ray (rarely with 2 or 3 fin rays) or absent altogether; blind-side pectoral fin usually absent (or rarely present, with a single ray)

Similar Species:

Naked Sole
Gymnachirus melas

Lined Sole
Achirus lineatus

Gymnachirus melas
Naked Sole – Gymnachirus melas
Source: FAO 2002
Achirus lineatus
Lined Sole – Achirus lineatus
Photo Credit: G.W. Link

Naked Sole Gymnachirus melas. Head, body and fins lacking scales, and covered with very loose skin. Ocular side of adults usually with prominent dark, relatively wide, crossbands.

Lined Sole Achirus lineatus. Body covered with scales, skin not very loose. Ocular side of adults without prominent crossbands (crossbands if present, faint and narrow). Interbranchial septum pierced by a foramen. Ocular-side pectoral fin usually with 2-8 rays; blind-side pectoral fin either with a single ray or absent.
