Family | Scientific Name | Author | Year | Common Name |
Leuciscidae | Alburnops petersoni | (Fowler) | 1942 | Coastal Shiner |
Alburnops petersoni
Unique Characters: Black stripe alongside and around snout. Triangular caudal spot. Pigment on both lips and chin. Strongly defined predorsal stripe. Melanophores present on anal fin rays. Pointed snout with terminal mouth. Usually 7 anal fin rays. Scales below the lateral line boldly outlined with black. Naked breast. Lateral stripe absent just past eye on the opercle. Breeding coloration absent.

Similar Species:
Spottail Shiner
Hudsonius hudsonius
Swallowtail Shiner
Miniellus procne
Spottail Shiner Hudsonius hudsonius. Short and rounded snout, subterminal mouth, dark lateral stripe that ends in a detached round spot at base of caudal fin. Lateral line pores are often outlined with melanophores. Dorsal fin strongly pointed. Usually 8 anal fin rays. Weak predorsal stripe. Pigment only on upper lip. No melanophores on anal fin rays. Scales below the lateral line weakly outlined in black.
Swallowtail Shiner Miniellus procne. No black pigment on chin. No melanophores on anal fin rays. Slightly rounded snout. Dash (smudge) of black pigment at base of dorsal fin.