As no doubt you have noticed, we may have slacked off a bit on reporting our trips this year. Rest assured that we made many trips, and photographed many new species, however the work of documenting our progress fell to the wayside. Since I have been asked about this, I decided to do a quick summary of our fish adventures from 2015! Enjoy…
We started out in January looking for new places to collect:
We worked on some bluefin tuna sampling:
In February we worked on collecting speckled trout cold stun event data:
In March we had an article written about the site in a local magazine:
And people started fishing again!
The shad started to run, and we began writing identification guides:
And the yellow perch made a good showing:
In April we began an article on the infamous amberjack worms:
and we shot some video of sheepshead minnows mating:
and we caught some vividly colored rainwater killifish:

And we sampled a few new locations:
In May we visited the Green Swamp:

Fishing really started to pick up:

and encountered all of the commonly caught Lepomis species in the Trent River:

In June we began working on a flounder ID guide:
And did a little bit of microfishing:
and a bit of deep sea fishing:
and lastly, did a bit of spearfishing:
In July we did some backpack shocking on the Black River:
We also managed a few shrimp trawl trips:

In August we sampled seagrass beds and charter docks:
In September we did more dockside sampling:

In October, we took a slight deviation from the normal routine, and sampled some sites in the Amazon:
In November work kept us pretty busy, but we managed to sneak a few trips in:
(Yes there are actually fish in that little pond)
And lastly, in December we made it out a few more times:

We will do better keeping updates in 2016!