Family | Scientific Name | Author | Year | Common Name |
Leuciscidae | Notropis sp. | “Kanawha” Rosyface Shiner |
Notropis sp. “Kanawha” Rosyface Shiner
Unique Characters: Morphologically similar to the Highland Shiner, Notropis micropteryx, but genetically different. Sharply pointed snout. Dorsal fin origin well behind pelvic origin. Breeding male has a red head and diffuse red-orange color on lower side, jaws and fin bases. No black crescents between nostrils. Faint middorsal line. Dorsal fin origin 2.5-4.0 scales behind pelvic fin origin. Restricted to the New basin.
Similar Species:
Highland Shiner
Notropis micropteryx
Silver Shiner
Notropis photogenis
Highland Shiner Notropis micropteryx. Morphologically similar, but genetically different. Restricted to Tennessee River drainage basins, not yet found in the Watauga basin.
Silver Shiner Notropis photogenis. Black crescents between nostrils. Distinct, dark middorsal line. Dorsal fin origin 1.5-2.5 scales behind pelvic fin origin. No red coloration.