Notropis sp. “Kanawha” Rosyface Shiner

Family Scientific Name Author Year Common Name Leuciscidae Notropis sp. “Kanawha” Rosyface Shiner Notropis sp. “Kanawha” Rosyface Shiner Unique Characters: Morphologically similar to the Highland Shiner, Notropis micropteryx, but genetically … Read more

Notropis photogenis

Family Scientific Name Author Year Common Name Leuciscidae Notropis photogenis (Cope) 1865 Silver Shiner Notropis photogenis Unique Characters: Slender, compressed silvery body. Two black crescents between nostrils. Large, terminal mouth. … Read more

Notropis micropteryx

Family Scientific Name Author Year Common Name Leuciscidae Notropis micropteryx (Cope) 1868 Highland Shiner Notropis micropteryx Unique Characters: Sharply pointed snout. Dorsal fin origin well behind pelvic origin. Breeding male … Read more

Hydrophlox sp. Piedmont Shiner

Family Scientific Name Author Year Common Name Leuciscidae Hydrophlox sp. “Piedmont” Shiner Hydrophlox sp. “Piedmont” Shiner Unique Characters: Lateral stripe dark anteriorly, passes uninterrupted from caudal fin onto opercle. Breeding … Read more

“Minnow” Species Diversity in North Carolina

“Minnow” Species (Families Cyprinidae, Xenocyprididae, and Leuciscidae) Diversity in North Carolina By the Team Next to our native darters (Family Percidae), our native species of minnows rival the brightly … Read more

Hydrophlox rubricroceus

Family Scientific Name Author Year Common Name Leuciscidae Hydrophlox rubricroceus (Cope) 1868 Saffron Shiner Hydrophlox rubricroceus Unique Characters: Lacks black blotches on the sides. Darkly outlined scales below the lateral … Read more

Hydrophlox lutipinnis

Family Scientific Name Author Year Common Name Leuciscidae Hydrophlox lutipinnis (Jordan and Brayton) 1878 Yellowfin Shiner Hydrophlox lutipinnis Unique Characters: In North Carolina the Yellowfin Shiner occurs only in the … Read more

Hydrophlox chlorocephalus

Family Scientific Name Author Year Common Name Leuciscidae Hydrophlox chlorocephalus (Cope) 1870 Greenhead Shiner Hydrophlox chlorocephalus Unique Characters: Breeding male is red with bright white fins. Snout shorter than the … Read more